Trouble - Part 7

Scripture Reading - Daniel 5:6 KJV

Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to speak on the subject of “Trouble”. In our first lesson we spoke on being in “trouble” because of disobedience to God. This is the same thing as saying all people are in “trouble” when they are walking contrary to God’s Word. Yes, the “trouble” may not always be physical because mental problems are “troubling” just as much as financial problems are “troubling” too. We also spoke on “Trouble – Part 2”. In that lesson we highlighted that many people are in “trouble” without knowing why they are in “trouble” or what to do when they’re in “trouble”. In those instances when you don’t know what to do next, our best advice is to call upon the “Name of the Lord Jesus Christ” and He will hear your call and then He will proceed to help you out of your “trouble”. In Trouble – Part 3” we touched on when “trouble” comes to you for no-fault of your own. We mentioned in those cases look upon the Face of God (His Holy Word) to see what God has promised you then believe God for His Deliverance according to His Word. In “Trouble – Part 4” we taught on dealing with certain people who cause trouble. You can either walk away from “troublemakers” or deal with them in the Light of God’s Word. Since God’s Light always overcomes Satan’s darkness we can always prevail over “troublemakers”. In “Trouble – Part 5” we spoke on “Spiritual Trouble”. In that lesson we mentioned that there are wicked and evil spirits that intend to do us harm but we have the power and authority of the Name of Jesus to overcome whatever they do against us. In “Trouble – Part 6” we looked at those with a troubled heart and reasoned that you must go to the Father of Spirits God Almighty to comfort your spirit via God’s Word. In this lesson we will teach on handling a “troubled soul”. When we (ihlcc) mention a “troubled soul” we are specifically speaking about your mind, will and emotions being in discord. This typically happens when negative information is presented to you but you are not sure about the outcome. This situation is typically when you think (reason) that the thoughts coming to your mind are possible but not certain. Commonly those who meditate on the wrong things are going to have “mental trouble”. Yes, “soul trouble” will definitely affect your emotions and will because your thoughts always influence your emotions. You can’t truly be happy outwardly when your thoughts are all messed up inwardly. With all the uncertainty there is in the world today it is easy to believe the worst of every cloudy situation. This is exaggerated by the devil because he will quickly and consistently bring evil thoughts to your mind about the final outcome turning out bad. Of course the evil one will never paint a good (positive) picture but rather he will try to convince you of a certain gloom and doom. He does this in hopes that you will buy into his lies and receive them as truth (real, reality) so that you will repeat them not realizing you will have what you say. Satan knows if he can get you to repeat his words you will experience his hardships. Yes, the fruit you produce comes directly from the seeds you think and speak which comes directly from the source of good (God) or the source of evil (Satan). Therefore, we must examine every seed that tries to come into our soul because many seeds (words, thoughts, ideas, etc….) are ungodly. Since we know exactly what our adversary will do against us let us now discuss our solution. To keep things simple we can surmise from the context of scriptures in the Holy Bible that God is Good and the devil is bad (evil) according to John 10:10. God is for Life, yes, even His Abundant Life whereas the devil is for death, yes wanting every person upon this earth to be miserable. So our life and peace both come from the same good source which is God. The mind is a critical part of the nature of man so we must learn from the Word of God what is good and proper to think on in accordance to Philippians 4:8 KJV which states: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Why do we need to think only on those things? The answer is found in the prior verses 6 and 7 which state: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. This is the key because we (ihlcc) would venture to say all believers want peace and peace is the opposite of a “troubled mind”. However, we also noticed in the scriptures just mentioned that peace comes with a price. Yes, the price you must pay for peace is four fold. The 1st fold is not being careful about the situation you face. The reason you can relax in the face of mental pressure to worry or pressure to be afraid is because you pray first about the situation by using God’s Word and if you don’t know which scripture to use just pray in tongues for a while until the Holy Spirit brings (reveals) something to your mind. Therefore prayer is the 2nd fold followed by the 3rd fold which is verbally giving God thanksgiving. Not thanking God for the trouble but rather thanking God Almighty for delivering you from (out-of) the trouble in the Name of Jesus. The 4th fold is meditating solely upon the things of God. Just as the previous scripture mentioned if you can discipline your mind to think only on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtuous and praise worthy you are only thinking on God and the good information found in His Holy Word. This doesn’t sound easy and we (ihlcc) will tell you from experience it is not easy but you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you this is used in the context of verses speaking about doing all things unto the glory of God.-Refer to Philippians 4:13 Desiring peace to sooth your “trouble soul” is achievable by God but you must seek to make it attainable by doing your part. As we mentioned before a “troubled mind” is a result of uncertain information proposing a bad or negative outcome but you can get ahead of “trouble” by thinking, speaking and securing a good or positive outcome according to (in agreement with) God’s Word. So, dear beloved child of God, don’t wait for a “troubled mind” to come inside your head. Instead start thinking on the good things of God today and every day, so you can be ready to reject a “troubled mind” that might try to approach you later. We are not saying “trouble” will never come your way, no we are saying we now know what to do if it does. Yes, you have power through the Word of God and you have the authority of the Name of Jesus so use both to your advantage which always gives you the advantage over the devil and all negative forces upon this earth. Yes even if the negative forces are coming from people around you trying to get into your head (causing “soul trouble”), you can always rise above their behavior by not letting it affect you mentally because you know who you are in Christ Jesus and you also know what God can do in you and for you to protect you as a much loved child of God. Amen!